

sheinberg lab

how the brain makes sense of a complex world


Ahuja A, Rodriguez NY, Ashok AK, Serre T, Desrochers TM, Sheinberg DL. Monkeys engage in visual simulation to solve complex problems. Current Biology. 2024 Dec 16;34(24):5635-45. [Current Biology] [Dispatch]

Wang Z, Tan Q, Frank SM, Sasaki Y, Sheinberg DL, Phillips KA, Watanabe T. (2024) Learning of the same task subserved by substantially different mechanisms between patients with body dysmorphic disorder and healthy individuals. Cereb Cortex. May 2. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhae215. [Cerebral Cortex]

Goetschalckx L, Govindarajan LN, Ashok AK, Ahuja A, Sheinberg DL, Serre T (2023) Computing a human-like reaction time metric from stable recurrent vision models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. [NeurIPS]

Miller R, Sheinberg DL (2022) Evidence for independent processing of shape by vision and touch. eNeuro. [eNeuro]

Ahuja A, Desrochers TM, Sheinberg DL (2022) A role for visual areas in physics simulations. Cognitive Neuropsychology, DOI: 10.1080/02643294.2022.2034609. [Cognitive Neuropsychology] [bioRxiv]

Tremblay S, ..., Dai J, ..., Sheinberg DL, ..., DiCarlo JJ, Platt ML (2020) An open resource for non-human primate optogenetics. Neuron, 108, 1075-1090. [Neuron]

Ahuja A, Sheinberg DL (2019) Behavioral and oculomotor evidence for visual simulation of object movement. Journal of Vision, 19, 1-17. [J Vision]

Richler JJ, Tomarken AJ, Sunday MA, Vickery TJ, Ryan KF, Floyd RJ, Sheinberg DL, Wong AC, Gauthier I. (2019) Individual differences in object recognition. Psychological Review, 126, 226-251. [Psychol Review]

Desrochers TM, Burk DC, Badre D, Sheinberg DL (2016) The monitoring and control of task sequences in human and non-human primates. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 9. [Frontiers]

Lim S, McKee JL, Woloszyn L, Amit Y, Freedman DJ, Sheinberg DL, & Brunel N (2015). Inferring learning rules from distributions of firing rates in cortical neurons. Nature Neuroscience. [press]

Dai J, Ozden I, Brooks DI, Wagner F, May T, Agha NS, Brush B, Borton D, Nurmikko AV, Sheinberg DL "Modified toolbox for optogenetics in the nonhuman primate," Neurophoton., 2(3), 031202 (2015). doi:10.1117/1.NPh.2.3.031202.

Xia R, Guan S, & Sheinberg DL (2015). A multilayered story of memory retrieval, Neuron, 86, 610-612. [neuron]

Sigurdardottir HM & Sheinberg DL (2015). The effects of short-term and long-term learning on the responses of lateral intraparietal neurons to visually presented objects. J Cog Neurosci, 27, 1360-1375.

May T, Ozden I, Brush B, Borton D, Wagner F, Agha N, Sheinberg DL, Nurmikko AV (2014) Detection of optogenetic stimulation in somatosensory cortex by nonhuman primates - towards artificial tactile sensation. PLoS ONE 9(12): e114529. doi:10. 1371/journal.pone.0114529 [PLoS ONE]

Brooks DI, Sigurdardottir HM, & Sheinberg DL (2014). The neurophysiology of attention and object recognition in visual scenes. In K Kverga & M Bar (eds.) Scene Vision. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 85-104.

Dai J, Brooks DI, & Sheinberg DL (2014). Optogenetic and electrical stimulation systematically bias visuospatial choice in primates, Current Biology, 24, 63-69. [current biology] [press] []

Sigurdardottir HM, Michalak SM, & Sheinberg DL (2014). Shape beyond recognition: Form-derived directionality and its effects on visual attention and motion perception, J Exp Psychol: General, 143(1), 434-454. doi: 10.1037/a0032353. [APA pdf] [pubmed] [PeePs]

Mruczek REB & Sheinberg DL (2012). Stimulus selectivity and response latency in putative inhibitory and excitatory neurons of the primate inferior temporal cortex, J Neurophys, 108, 2725-2736. [jneurophys]

Woloszyn L & Sheinberg DL (2012). Effects of long-term visual experience on responses of distinct classes of single units in inferior temporal cortex, Neuron, 74 (1): 193-205. [neuron] [preview] [science daily]

Monosov IE, Sheinberg DL, & Thompson KG (2011). The effects of prefrontal cortex inactivation on object responses of single neurons in the inferotemporal cortex during visual search, J. Neurosci. 2011;31 15956-15961. [jneurosci]

Singer J & Sheinberg DL (2010). Temporal cortex neurons encode articulated actions as slow sequences of integrated poses, J Neurosci, 30, 3133-3145. [jneurosci]

Monosov IE, Sheinberg DL, & Thompson KG (2010) Paired neuron recordings in the prefrontal and inferotemporal cortices reveal that spatial selection precedes object identification during visual search, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [pnas]

Wong YK, Twedt E, Sheinberg DL, & Gauthier I (2010) Does Thompson's Thatcher Effect reflect a face-specific mechanism?, Perception, 41, 1125-1141. [perception]

Anderson B, Sheinberg DL (2010). Neurophysiology of Temporal Orienting in Ventral Visual Stream. In Nobre A, Coull J (Eds.) Attention and Time, Oxford University Press: New York, pp. 407-417.

Sheinberg DL & Tarr MJ (2010). Objects of Expertise. In I Gauthier and D Bub (Eds.), Perceptual Expertise: Bridging Brain And Behavior, Oxford University Press: New York.

Woloszyn L & Sheinberg DL (2009). Neural dynamics in inferior temporal cortex during a visual working memory task, J Neurosci, 29, 5494-5507. [pubmed] [commentary]

Woloszyn L & Sheinberg DL (2009). Shape representation in inferotemporal cortex. In Larry R. Squire, Editor-in-Chief, Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Academic Press, Oxford, 777-785.

Kawasaki K & Sheinberg DL (2008). Learning to recognize visual objects with microstimulation in inferior temporal cortex. J Neurophys. 100, 197-211. [pubmed]

Singer J & Sheinberg DL (2008). A method for the real-time rendering of formless dot field structure-from-motion stimuli, Journal of Vision, 8, 1-8. [jvision]

Anderson B, Mruczek REB, Kawasaki K & Sheinberg DL (2008). Effects of familiarity on neural activity in monkey inferior temporal lobe, Cereb Cortex, 18, 2540-2552.[pubmed] [pmc]

Scott LS, Tanaka JW, Sheinberg DL & Curran T (2008). The role of category learning in the acquisition and retention of perceptual expertise: A behavioral and neurophysiological study. Brain Research, 19, 204-215. [pubmed]

Anderson B & Sheinberg DL (2008). Effects of temporal context and temporal expectancy on neural activity in inferior temporal cortex, Neuropsychologia, 46, 947-957.[pubmed]

Mruczek REB & Sheinberg DL (2007). Context familiarity enhances target processing by inferior temporal cortex neurons. J Neurosci, 27, 8533-8545. [pubmed]

Mruczek REB & Sheinberg DL (2007). Activity of inferior temporal cortical neurons predicts recognition choice behavior and recognition time during visual search. J Neurosci, 27, 2825-2836. [pubmed]

Peissig JJ, Singer J, Kawasaki K & Sheinberg DL (2007). Effects of long-term object familiarity on event-related potentials in the monkey. Cereb Cortex, 17, 1323-1334.[pubmed]

Anderson B, Sanderson MI & Sheinberg DL (2007). Joint decoding of visual stimuli by IT neurons' spike counts is not improved by simultaneous recording. Exp Brain Res, 176, 1-11. [pubmed]

Sheinberg DL, Peissig JJ, Kawasaki K & Mruczek REB (2006). Initial saccades predict manual recognition choices in the monkey. Vision Res, 46, 3812-3822. [pubmed]

Scott LS, Tanaka JW, Sheinberg DL, Curran T (2006). A reevaluation of the electrophysiological correlates of expert object processing, J Cog Neurosci, 18, 1453-1465. [pubmed]

Anderson B, Harrison MT & Sheinberg DL (2006). A multielectrode study of the inferotemporal cortex in the monkey: effects of grouping on spike rates and synchrony.Neuroreport, 17, 407-411. [pubmed]

Anderson B, Peissig JJ, Singer J & Sheinberg DL (2006). XOR style tasks for testing visual object processing in monkeys. Vision Res, 46, 1804-1815. [pubmed]

Singer J & Sheinberg DL (2006). Holistic processing unites face parts across time. Vision Res, 46, 1838-1847. [pubmed]

Amarasingham A, Chen TL, Geman S, Harrison MT & Sheinberg DL (2006). Spike count reliability and the Poisson hypothesis. J Neurosci, 26, 801-809. [pubmed]

Mruczek REB & Sheinberg DL (2005). Distractor familiarity leads to more efficient search for complex stimuli. Perception and Psychophysics, 67, 1016-1031. [pubmed]

Tanaka J, Curran T, Sheinberg DL (2005). The training and transfer of real-world, perceptual expertise.  Psych Sci, 16,145-151. [pubmed]

Tse PU, Logothetis NK, & Sheinberg, DL (2004). The distribution of microsaccade directions need not reveal the location of attention. Psych Science.

Logothetis NK, Leopold DA, & Sheinberg DL (2003). Neural mechanisms of perceptual organization. In N. Osaka (Ed.) Neural basis of consciousness. Advances in Consciousness Research: Vol. 49 (pp. 87-103). Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Tse PU, Sheinberg DL, Logothetis NK (2003) Attentional enhancement opposite a peripheral flash revealed by change blindness. Psych Sci, 14, 91-99. [pubmed]

Sheinberg DL, Logothetis NK (2002) Perceptual learning and the development of complex visual representations in temporal cortical neurons. In M. Fahle and T. Poggio (Eds.), Perceptual Learning, MIT Press, 95-124. 

Tse PU, Sheinberg DL, Logothetis N.K. (2002) Fixational eye movements are not affected by abrupt onsets in the periphery. Vision Res, 42, 1663-1669. 

Sheinberg DL, Logothetis NK (2001) Noticing familiar objects in real world scenes: The role of temporal cortical neurons in natural vision, J Neurosci, 21, 1340-1350.

Sheinberg DL, Logothetis NK (1997) The role of temporal cortical areas in perceptual organization, PNAS, 94, 3408-3413. 
[Reprinted in: Yantis, Steven (Ed) (2000) Visual perception: Essential readings. Key readings in cognition. (pp. 393-401). Philadelphia, PA, US: Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis.] 

Zelinsky GJ, Sheinberg, DL (1997) Eye movements during parallel/serial visual search, JEP [HPP], 25, 244-262. 

Logothetis NK, Leopold DA, Sheinberg DL (1997) The neurophysiological basis of bistable percepts. In Y. Miyashita, T. Ihui, M. Kawato, K. Tanaka, and J Murata (Eds.)Proceedings of the IIIA. Kyoto.

Logothetis NK, Leopold DA, Sheinberg DL (1996) What is rivalling during binocular rivalry? Nature, 380, 621-624. 

Logothetis NK, Sheinberg DL (1996) Visual object recognition. Ann Rev Neurosci, 19, 577-621. 

Logothetis NK, Sheinberg DL (1996) Recognition and representation of visual objects in primates: Psychophysics and physiology. In Llinas, R. and Churchland, P. (Eds.) TheMind-Brain Continuum, Cambridge, MIT Press, 147-172.

Zelinsky GJ and Sheinberg DL (1996) Saccades reflect differences in visual search efficiency. In A.G. Gale (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Visual Search. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd.

Blake A, Bulthoff HH, Sheinberg DL (1996) Shape from texture: Ideal observers and human psychophysics. In D. Knill and W. Richards (Eds.) Perception as Bayesian Inference, Cambridge, MIT Press, 287-322.

Sheinberg DL, Zelinsky GJ (1993) A cortico-collicular model of saccadic target selection. In J. Rensbergen, V. Devijver, and G.d'Ydewalle (Eds.) Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Eye Movements, Amsterdam, North-Holland.

Blake A, Bulthoff, HH, Sheinberg, DL (1993) Shape from texture: Ideal observers and human psychophysics. Vision Res, 33, 1723-1737.